Realize... for my Julia Dievanda

realize the distance
its not like you left feet and your right feet
you can make it closer whenever you want

realize my love will never reach you
even not touch you for a bit
make this tears running down on my face

realize what God makes
it making me feel so small
but not for the LOVE

realize how blind you are
always fell thousand time
cause never try to feels the feeling

hey you over there..
I can make thousand skies for you

hey you over there..
I can make thousand seas for you

hey you over there..
I can erase the distance between us

hey you over there..
please, erase this tears from my face

oh God..
You never realize it right?
because there is nothing impossible in this world
you may never know how small this world

oh God..
you never know what Gods plan for you
yes, you never know
make it sure, dear..

have you ever know,
the wind that you feel right now
its the same wind like I feel too

the sky that you see right now
its the same sky like I see too

the stars you stare at right now
its the same stars like I stare at too

have you ever know that?
no.. you may never
cause you never realize.


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